▶ Costs > Contract terms

Individual costs setup and Exceptions for general cost distribution in the selected period.

Individual costs setup

You can access the Individual cost settings table by clicking on the blue gear icon next to each Tenants' name. 

In the opened up table you can:

  • Individual meters enabling - switch off the Individual costs lines without meters for cleaner and more comfortable view in the Readings page;
  • Meters automatically linked through Spaces - view all the meters linked to the Tenant, if Automatic meter linking is switched on in the Building settings;
  • Meter manual linking - you can link additional meters to the tenant manually;
  • Show readings on invoice - here you can switch them on or off. By default, if the Show readings on invoices is enabled in the Building settings, in Contract terms this option automatically is switched on for all tenants. If there are some tenants, that do not wish to see the Readings on invoices, you can switched them off here.
  • apply Add-on or Discount (-) for each Cost type. Program applies these as a last step, when all calculations are done. If Add-on is added, generated amount goes to Landlord (and is visible in the Profit section), if Discount is used, the difference is covered by Landlord (Landlord costs);
  • NEW! Possibility to add a Personal Rate for each tenant.

Exceptions for general cost distribution

Overall limits

Overall limits (column in pink) allows to apply exclusions to all Costs at once. To add the exceptions click on the grey gear icon on the specific row to reach the Overall limits table:

In the Overall limits table you can:

  • Excluded - you can exclude the Tenant from all general costs by check-marking this option;
  • Add Caps/Cap per m2 (Fixed price or price per m2);
  • Included cost types - here you can exclude some Cost types from Caps by selecting the ones, that should be included in the Cap. By default, all General costs are included in the Cap calculations.

NB! If Tenant/Rental Contract is Overall Excluded from General Costs, it is not possible to apply any other Exclusions (like Add-on, Discount, Fixed price, etc.)

Example: In some properties, there are agreements with Tenants, that Caps should not be applied for measured General costs, like Water, Electricity, Gas, etc
Moderan allows you to exclude certain General Cost types from the Cap, simply by deselecting them in the Overall limits pop-up table:

Exceptions for General cost distribution (separately for each Cost type)

It is possible to add specific exclusions to each general Cost types (for all Rental Contracts at once) and/or add exceptions for each separate Tenant / Rental Contract:

Options in the General costs Exceptions table:

  • Excluded - excludes the Contract from the calculations of the selected Cost type. The calculated amount goes as Landlord expenses or might be divided between selected tenants (depending on the Cost type settings in the Building settings page - Distribution basis and Space sets selected);
  • Exclude all - allows to Exclude Rental Contract from all of the general Costs (so that you don't have to turn off the general costs one by one), it adds "Excluded" to all columns of general costs. Please note, all costs can be turned off at once, but you cannot Turn them on all at once (only one by one);
  • Fixed / Fixed per m2 - a fixed fee that is deducted from the total cost and then the surplus is distributed according to the settings made in the Building settings;
  • Percentage - the tenant is charged a % of the total cost, the surplus is divided according to the Cost settings enabled in the Building settings section;
  • Add-on or Discount (-) - you can add an addition or discount (in Percents) to the general cost shared with the tenant;
  • NEW! Personal rate - Tenant-based tariff (available for measured Costs), it is possible to apply individual rate for the Cost to every tenant.