▶ Contracts > Rental Contracts > Rent and other fees 

The Rent and Fees section is one of the most important parts of Moderan Rental Contract card. It stores the historical changes of Rent and other fees for each Contract.  Data from here is used in invoice calculations and Reports.


Filling in Rent and Fees for a New Contract

1. Start with adding Spaces first

When you are in the process of creating a new Rental Contract and you are filling the Rent and Fees block, make sure you add Spaces first - this is because in most cases, Rent is calculated by m2 and this calculation cannot be done until the Rental Contract has the m2.

Either click Edit next to Spaces or Edit next to Rental Space:


  • If there was no Transfer Date stated before, you will have a view without any lines. Click +Add New and add Spaces. If you do not know the Transfer date yet, please delete the Date and fill it in later.

  • If a Transfer Date was stated, this automatically creates a line with that Date but no Rental space in this table. In this case, click on the Date and select the Space(s) you need for this Rental contract.  


The Transfer Date is always the same as the first Date of the Rental Space added.

In the Rental Space table you can add or remove Spaces and track the changes across time.

NB! To keep the history of Spaces in the Rental Contract and in all Reports, the changes should be always recorded on the new line, using +Add New button.

Hint. If the size of a Space is changed in Spaces view or a new Space is added to the Rental Contract, Moderan automatically creates a new line with the date of the change and recalculates the Rental Space m2:

2. Add Rent

Fill in either Monthly Rent or Rent per m2  - do not fill both, as the other field is calculated automatically.

In case you fill in both Moderan will prioritize the Rent per m2 and calculate Monthly rent from it.

Start of Rent Payments date is always the same as the first date of Rental Fee added. 

However, if you do not know when the Rent payments will start, just leave this Date empty and fill it in later.

3. Payment Interval

Payment Interval indicates when the Rent has to be paid by the Tenant.  

NB! In case you use an accounting software integration, the use of this field may vary - please consult instructions for the specific software you use from here -https://support.moderansolutions.com/en/support/solutions/folders/64000236633

4. Separate Invoice

You can check-mark Separate Invoice option if the tenant has more than one Rental contract and wants to receive separate invoices for each Rental contract rent and/or fees. 

Hint: If the Tenant has multiple Rental Contracts and you do NOT fill in the Separate invoice field in Moderan, rent and fees for all that Tenant Rental Contracts will appear in one invoice, listed in separate lines.

5. Add other Fees

Clicking Add other fees takes you to the Rent and Fees table, where you can add other Fees related to the Rental Contract.

By default Moderan has in the following Billing Name - Rent, Parking, Marketing, and Maintenance

But you can add other Fees as you need - please read more in this article.

There are cases when a Rental Contract might have no Monthly Rent, and the field is left empty.

Example: Mailbox/Legal address contract, Parking contracts, Telecom towers on the roof of the building.

When all fields are filled in the Rent and Fees block and the Rental Contract is saved, the TOTAL rent and fees field will display amount to be charged to Tenant in the current month:

Changing Rent and Fees

 ▶ Rental Contract > Rent and Fees block > Add other fees

Billing line fields include:

Billing Name - Rent or other Fees, for example Parking, Maintenance, Add-on or any other fee type created here.

Start date - when this Rent or Fees starts;

If you add a Rent with a future date (for example, for Step rent):

  • Moderan automatically starts to calculate fees when that time comes;
  • It gets reflected across all reports.

In the example above you can see that the 01.01.2023 line is not active anymore (greyed out) and from 01.01.2024 the new line with the higher Rent per m2 is used. The current line will become inactive on 01.01.2025 and a new Rent will be applied.

NB! A New line is automatically created by Moderan if the Space size changes or a new Space is added to the Contract. This line includes changed Rental Space and recalculated Monthly Rent.

Basis - there are 5 options: By m2, By units, Daily, Fixed and Once:

    • By m2 - the most commonly used Basis for Rent. The program automatically calculates the Monthly fee by multiplying the total m2 of the Spaces added to this Rental contract with the Fee per m2.

    • Fixed - the Rent and other Fees can have a Fixed Monthly fee, that is not dependent on the m2 of the Spaces attached. However, for Rent only, Moderan always calculates the Fee per m2 - because this is needed for reporting and analytics.

Hint: Fixed basis has another use. All active lines for Rent and other Fees reoccur monthly (except with basis Once). To stop these lines, you just add the same Rent/Fee with basis Fixed and Start date (when the payments should be stopped) and empty Monthly fee value.

For example, if you want to charge tenant with Marketing fee until the end of September and stop payments from 1st of October, you should add the Fixed empty line from 1st of October:

    • By units - this option is most often used with Parking spaces. Two values are required - Fee per Unit and the number of Units. For example, 3 Units with 100 EUR Fee per Unit = 300 EUR Monthly fee.

    • Daily - if you have Fees, that are calculated daily, for example, specific Marketing fees or Short-term Rentals, day fee goes into Fee Per Unit column:

Moderan automatically calculates the Monthly fee by multiplying the days in the current month with the Fee per Unit (Day). 

In the Rental contract view, Monthly fee is always the total for the Month when this fee started, but in the Rent invoice calculations (Reports > Rent and fees calculation) and all other Reports, the actual month total is always calculated.

    • Once basis defines One-time payments, which can occur at any day of the month. This basis can be used for all Temporary fees: Additional works, special Maintenance cases, etc.

In the Rent and Fees calculation report the Period displays Start date (as a one day):

Hint! Payments with Once are not recurring, so there is no need to stop this line.